Sunday, November 18, 2007

Dallas Cowboys - Washington Redskins Live Blog (2nd Half)

4:45 Start of the 2nd half. Jason Campbell is just getting all day to throw the ball. Great protection by Washington. Campbell misses a receiver long. Maybe I'm starting to see why Joe Gibbs is keeping the handcuffs on.

4:45 Clinton Portis up the middle for no gain. I can't even begin to imagine how many times that's been said over the past three times. What comes after a google?

4:46 Dallas brings the blitz, but the Redskins again pick it up, as Campbell finds a wide open Santana Moss. Just don't let Moss beat you deep. I still have nightmares about the 14-13 game.

4:48 DeMarcus Ware around the edge forces the fumble! Cowboys recover! After I complain about the Cowboys not being able to get pressure on Campbell, they finally get pressure and immediately force a fumble. I expect the check to be in the mail, Wade Phillips.

4:50 Cowboys have the ball now at midfield. If this game goes anything like any of the other games this season, the Cowboys will have a quickstrike score to take the lead for the first time today. Let's see.

4:51 Julius Jones rushes twice to bring up 3rd and 3. I know its been said alot of times, but I really do prefer Marion Barber III (MB3).

4:52 Romo makes a tough pass, which ibounces before a sliding TO can grab it. Not the most impressive way to take advantage of a turnover

4:53 McBriar punts the ball, and the Cowboys almost down it on the 1-yard line, but the refs signal touchback anyway. I'm skeptical, but Troy and Joe Buck didn't say anything, so I guess it must have been the right call. I'd trust Joe Buck with my life. Or is it Jack Bauer? I can't remember. Both are on Fox.

4:56 Mike Sellers is called for holding on first down after he was "going down on DeMarcus Ware" according to Aikman. 1st and 20 from the Redskin 10 yard line.

4:57 Two typically imaginative play calls by Gibbs lead to a 3rd and 15, which Jason Campbell promptly converts by firing a 20-yarder to Santana Moss who makes a great catch. I'm posting these as The Deuce edits. Some of these sentences don't make any sense before she reads them. I think I made a post in Hebrew around 3:30 before she caught it. And I'm not even Jewish.

4:59 Fox puts up the most shocking stat of the game. Middle of the 3rd quarter and the Redskins have 221 total yards compared to the Cowboys 158. Not a good sign.

5:01 Another 3rd down for the Redskins. They've done an excellent job converting these today as Campbell has had time to move through his progressions and find the open guy. Campbell finds Cooley, who is immediately tackled by Roy Williams 2 yards short of the first down. Great job Roy!

5:04 Troy and Joe Buck are talking about the 'Galloping Gobbler' award for the Thanksgiving game. The sexual tension is palpable.

5:06 Romo rolls right, pump-fakes and guns it to Patrick Crayton for the first-down! The Redskin defense grabbed the momentum of the Gurode disaster in first half, and has really tightened up in the 2nd half.

5:07 Rocky McIntosh picks off Romo with a diving interception which he returns to the 2-yard line. Uh-oh.

5:08 On the replay The Deuce screams "HE DROPPED IT". Joe Buck quickly agrees, and Wade Phillips challenges. I don't know. I think its going to stand, it looked like he had it. If the play stands, the Redskins will have the ball at the 2-yard line, and almost certainly take a 17-7 lead. Good challenge even if it isn't overturned.

5:11 Overturned! Take that Rocky McIntosh!!!! 3rd and 6 for the Cowboys.

5:12 Romo airmails it to Crayton, but underthrows the ball leading to the Washington player to run right into Crayton leading to the most obvious pass interference call of the year. 51 yards on the penalty, first down at the 22 yard line.

5:14 The Cowboys follow up the interference call with two horrible plays, MB3 up the middle for no gain, and then a hideous swing pass for a 9-yard loss. 3rd and 19.

5:15 TOUCHDOWN COWBOYS! Romo looked, waited and unleashed a pass over the top of the defense to TO for his 2nd touchdown on the night. Beautiful pass, Beautiful catch, Beautiful play. 14-10 Cowboys.

5:17 TO is still fired up. He is walking up and down the sideline screaming. Maybe Romo better look for the other receivers on the next series. TO might punch out a fan if he scores again. Also, there's been an injury. Wade Phillips will have to sit out next week with a broken hand after a high-octane high-five with Tony Romo.

5:19 Campbell comes out firing and Santana Moss make a unbelievable one-handed catch for a big play. Ball at the Dallas 40.

5:21 Campbell hits yet another long 3rd down completion. God-forbid we stop someone on 3rd down. Wouldn't want that to happen.

5:21 Demarcus Ware is called for a ridiculous roughing the passer penalty in which he was blocked into Jason Campbell, and barely grazes him. 15 yards. The Deuce: "Don't worry DeMarcus, you didn't break your pledge. That call was BS."

5:22 DeMarcus Ware follows up the bad call by sacking Jason Campbell and forcing an intentional grounding call. Campbell pleads to the ref that he was throwing to that ghost wearing a Redskins uniform.

5:24 The Cowboys finally hold the Redskins on 3rd and 19, and Suisham comes in to hit a 39-yard field goal, to pull the Redskins back to 14-13. End of the 3rd quarter.

5:28 After another stellar kick-return (23 yard line), a holding call moves the Cowboys back to the 13 yard line. The Cowboys return game is unstoppable.

5:30 Romo to Sam Hurd on 3rd and 2. Slant pattern for 14. We should do that more often.

5:32 Romo follows up the first down with a 24 yarder to Witten right in the middle fo the defense. Laron Landry comes up to make a big hit, on Witten, but Witten just stands there and takes it. He doesn't even fall down. Jason Witten could kick John Wayne's ass.

5:33 After a 2-yard run and a false-start penalty, they run the play that set up TO's 2nd TD of the night, which results in TO's 3rd TD of the night. Romo moved up in the pocket to avoid pressure and uncorked a perfect pass. 26 TDs on the year for Romo. TO starts pointing at the crowd and making T and O hand movements to the crowd. He just might be starting to win a few Cowboy fans over. 21-13 Redskins. Does anyone else smell a Jason Campbell interception coming up?

5:34 The Deuce earlier: "If I was Tony Romo, I would be kicking Gurode in the junk for not being able to do gun-shot stuff". I think she's referring to the bad snaps, but no one is sure.

5:39 First play for the Redskins: a 31 yarder to McCardell who has been talking a lot of trash today. I guess they have a little fight left in them.

5:40 Campbell guns it to Randel-El for 9 yards. Nothing to say, it was just a nice throw.

5: 42 On 3rd and 1 Campbell looks for Cooley downfield over the middle, but Cooley drops it. Suisam then comes out and drills his 3rd field goal of the game. The Deuce: "Oh apparently now this Suiza is a clutch kicker. Where was that when he played for Dallas?"

5:49 After a couple of running plays to loosen up the defense, Romo hits Owens in stride on the right sideline. After taking a diving tackle attempt, TO has nothing but open field ahead, and gets his 4th TD of the game. FOURTH! Unbelievable. Hey Redskins, I'll give you a tip: Double cover him. You are getting abused. What a game for TO and Romo. 51 yards.

5:53 Campbell hits some more short passes, but time is ticking away. Not a lot of desperation in the Redskins.

5:56 3rd and 4 at the 16 yard line. Campbell feels pressure in the pocket, and is unable to complete the pass

5:57 On 4th and 4, Campbell finds Cooley, who catches it this time, leading to a 1st and goal touchdown strike to Santana Moss. That drive took over 4 minutes. 28-23.

6:02 Cowboys start the drive with 3:41 left on their own 20. Romo throws a pass out of bounds in the direction of TO. 2nd down.

6:03 Julius Jones for no gain, setting up a 3rd and 12. Redskins take a timeout. Hmm. I'm now slightly concerned.

6:05 After the timeout, the Redskins bring the pressure and sack Romo. And Flozell Adams is down with a knee injury. Terrific.

6:06 Gregg Williams is begging the refs to get to the timeout back, since there was an injury timeout. Who is actually head coach of the Redskins anyway? Is Joe Gibbs taking a nap? The refs give back the timeout. What a load of crap.

6:08 After a nice punt return, the Redskins get the ball back with 3 minutes on the Cowboy 40. I'm thinking they might just be able to score. Oddly, though I gave up on the Redskins, apparently they didn't get the memo.

6:10 At the 2-minute warning Campbell tosses another dart to Randel-El. First down inside the 20, with 2 minutes to go. The Deuce: "Wow, Campbell is really good at completions." That's a direct quote. Crap. Crap. Crap.

6:14 After two Campbell incompletions (under heavy pressure), Campbell steps out of the pocket and throws the ball to...Terrance Newman! Interception Cowboys! Game Over!

6:15 Barber off of the left side of the line for about 5 yards, Redskins timeout. 1:30 left. Barber for no gain, Redskins timeout. Rinse, Lather, Repeat.

6:17 3rd and 6. Garrett can go run or pass here, either to try to finish off the Redskins or milk the clock. Barber runs the ball for a couple and the Cowboys are set to punt.

6:20 After a delay of game penalty, McBriar punts and the Redskin player decides to try to field it in spite of the Cowboys player standing right in front of him. He's immediately tackled, and more precious seconds begin to tick off the clock.

6:22 After a completion to the 50-yard line, Campbell throws one out of bounds. 11 seconds left. Newman breaks up another pass, stripping the ball out. Great play.

6:23 With 5 seconds left, Campbell heaves up a desperation pass down the right sideline. TO (in for defense) adds a pass deflection to his list of accomplishments. Game Over!

6:24 Happiness ensues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I observe that the declaration of victory at 6:14pm was premature. There was still plenty of time left on the clock for Redskins to still steal the game during their final possession. We definitely had not sealed the deal, and the game was quite a nail biter for me up until the clock read zero.

Campbell definitely earned some street cred with me. His performance was outstanding and quite respectable, with the exception of his failure to seize the opportunity to claim the game in that last drive (and, of course, that nasty pick by Newman during a critical play).

Other than the obvious uber sexiness that Romo exudes, the difference between Campbell and Romo is that Romo would've been able to make huge plays during those last 30 seconds (or less). In true Texas tradition...Remember the Alamo. And remember Buffalo.
